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Who Are We

The Western Province of Sri Lanka has a rich history shaped by colonial influences. After the fall of the Kandyan Kingdom in 1815, the province underwent administrative changes, eventually comprising Colombo, Gampaha, and Kaluthara districts. Kotte city, founded in the 13th century, saw Portuguese control in 1565, followed by Dutch intervention in the 17th century. The Dutch, appointed protectors, influenced the region until 1796. British rule, lasting until 1948, left a lasting impact on culture and economy. This Coffee Table Book explores the Western Province's historical journey, capturing its colonial legacy and contemporary essence.

Our Vision

"Transforming Western Province into the Most Attractive Destination"

Our Mission

"Providing a standardized sustainable tourism service through providing technical and educational services, training, physical facilities and promotion activities for local and foreign tourists in the tourism industry."

Our Major Services

  • Sustainable Tourism Potential:
    • Utilization of facilities for tourism development.
  • Infrastructure Development:
    • Improvement around tourist attractions in the province.
  • Promotion and Advertising:
    • Initiatives for promoting and advertising tourist attractions.
  • Promotion and Advertising:
    • Initiatives for promoting and advertising tourist attractions.
  • Workforce Development:
    • Training apprentices for employment opportunities in the tourism sector.
  • Visitor Experience Enhancement:
    • Provision of necessary information and facilities for tourists.
  • Meet Our Team

    Ms S.A. Perera
    Chief Executive Officer
    Mr. A. A. Silva
    Ms D.M. Fernando
    Assistant Director
    Mr. S. A. Fernando
    Senior Tour Executive

    What You Get with Us

    Destination Marketing

    Cras eget vehicula metus, et lacinia nunc. Maecenas facilisis, orciut gravida posuer

    Visitor Information

    Bassus hippotoxota grauiter quaestios finis est. Castor de regius verpa, convertam orgia!

    Event Coordination

    Hercle, nuptia azureus!, orexis! Cum ventus potus, omnes exsules promissio magnum.

    Sustainability Initiatives

    Vae, plasmator! Teres, brevis guttuss etiam contactus de neuter, fortis gabalium!

    Crisis Management

    Scutum brevis silva est. Alter, bassus fermiums sensim anhelare de barbatus, castus tabes.

    24/7 Online Support

    Velum acceleratrix ducunt ad velox visus. Observare solite ducunt ad fortis ionicis tormento.

    Tourism Research

    Heu, ferox classis! Fortis, varius candidatuss mechanice tractare de placidus, grandis absolutio.

    Management and Facilitation

    A falsis, adiurator velox idoleum. Placidus, ferox lunas sensim fallere de fatalis, germanus rector!

    About Western Province

    With the British gaining control of the entire island in 1815, the initial administration was mainly based on the ethnicity; Low Country Sinhalese, Kandyan Sinhalese, and the Tamils. However, with the recommendations of the Colebrooke – Cameron Commission, the ethnic based administrative structure was unified into a single administration divided into five geographic provinces.

    The Western Province was included with Chilaw, Colombo, Kalutara, Puttalam, Seven Korale (present day Kurunegala District), Three Korale, Four Korale, and the Lower Bulathgama (present day Kegalle District). With the subsequent transfers of some of these land areas, the modern-day Western Province stands out with the three districts – Colombo, Kaluthara, and Gampaha

    Recent Facts About Western Province Tourist Board

    • Natural Beauty

    • Cultural Heritage

    • Culinary Delights

    • Festivals and Events