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Explore Top Destination Around Western Province

Beruwala Beach

Long Beach sparkling gold beneath the sunlight, sunny and pleasant atmosphere, golden soft sand, cool playful breeze, breathtaking ocean view, crystal blue water and boat rides as well can be associated with everything when it comes to the beaches in Sri Lanka, especially the Beruwala Beach possess all these traits that valued by many. Despite that, the Beruwala Beach is relatively untouched beach in Western coastal are where the coastal beauty is not outdone by anywhere. The long strip of beach adorned with golden sand given this piece of heaven the nickname of “The Golden Mile”, with absolutely peaceful beach experience. Thus Beruwala Beach remains a beach where the visitors can roam freely unmolested, with many offering that any visitors who miss this chance envy in green. From calm and relaxing walkways, to touch the ocean waves, to enjoys the sports, making picnics, dinners or lunch on mats, sunbathing even doing simple things like building a Sandcastle can be done on this ground undisturbed. The accessibility to the beach is relatively easy as the availability of trains, busses and other vehicles and can be reached by the main Galle Road or by the coastal trains that reach every now and then at the Beruwala Station.

Pahala Hewassa

The place of Pahala Hewessa is located in Pelawatta East, Western Province's Walallavita Divisional Secretariat. Katukele is situated nearby to Pahala Hewessa.

Kabaragoi Water Fall

In the embrace of the canopy of forest ceilings, under the guise of small yet elegant water stream, the Kabaragoi Ella is one of the most eye catching and breathtakingly beautiful waterfalls in Sri Lanka. With its thin yet elegant cascading of water that falls different protruding rocky terrains, the forest protection that proudly standing and surrounding the destination, with Rocky terrain beneath the waterfall, with the height of 23m, the waterfall has given the area it houses a serious affect as a piece of heaven which has fallen from the heavens. In the rainy seasons, with the cultivation of the Sinharaja Rain Forest, the waterfall becomes the true signature of the region. Nestle near the Sinharaja Rain Forest, the waterfall can be reached by visiting Kaluthara District, which houses the waterfall at the road from Baduraliya to Kalawana, near the bridge named Ahasbokkuwa or its English nickname of Sky Bridge, which coincidentally used to call the waterfall by the local Communities. With natural made ponds above the waterfall, this is not just a best scenery anyone can have a hope on capturing in a photography, but also the good but dangerous bathing place, relaxation center and best of all the exploration of nature, with its history dating back to Colonial Era.

Kahapath Water Fall

Have you ever seen a waterfall with yellow colored water outside of heavy rainfall of the waterfall area, especially in nearby forest reserved area? With no apparent explanation the water mixed in yellow soils giving a rather contrasting affect on the normal colorings yet adding a highlighted beauty to the waterfall? This is another wonder of the nature : the Kahapath Ella named to complement its yellowish beauty of the cascading waters. Proudly standing on the Kelinkanda Grams Division, with extremely hard pathways to reach, the access is hidden from the world, the waterfall itself is out of reach from tampering even from their own local community. People believe that the water was a result of some cooking some traditional rice called 'Muradana' nearby with their leftovers disposed around the land of surrounding water resources. In the folklore it is said that the prince Vidiyabandara – a local ruler has used this waterfall. With its relative anonymity, it is the perfect place for endangered Flora and fauna to thrive in the back of relatively untouched environment engineered by the nature to house its inhabitants from the total annihilation.

Diyapokuna Water Fall

Neighboring to the rather unpopular place, the Diyapokuna Ella has a rather controversial effect on the area. Diyapokuna Ella is near the Makeli Ella area is one of the most popular waterfalls in Kaluthara District. As one of the most popular tourism destination, it has many interesting activities that the visitors can engaged in especially given the pond located in the bottom of the waterfall making the waterfall a rather safe place for tourists to venture.

Pilithuda Water Fall

Nestle in the Western region of Sri Lanka, away from the busy stressful eyes of urban population, the Athwelthota waterfall or Pilithudu Ella is one of the untouched waterfall in Sri Lanka where the nature endowed the prospect of perfect bio-diversity with the touch of serenity. As the geographical existence near the threshold of the Western province and the southern province and its natural geographical advantage near the Sinharaja Rain Forest, the immeasurable natural beauty is what brings this amazing destination the value it needed to standup alongside with many popular and similar destinations. The waterfall area is comprised with larger upper pool area, the wide spread fall area, the forest cover that protects the destination best. Thus the Ambiance has given this area a mysterious beauty with extremely comfortable feelings associated with it. The ambience aside the natural beauty alone can accommodate many of visitors' fantasies of such magnificent destination, offering various activities such as hiking, trekking wildlife observation wildlife photography, waterfall abseiling in the immediate area. There is the prospective potential in whitewater rafting yet is a extremely dangerous place for visitors as well as the tranquility of the destination and its serine atmosphere. The area is open for visiting, bathing, photography, family outing and many more of water related recreational activities yet be warned of to never harm the delicate bio-diversity in the vicinity.

Mannakethi Water Fall

Nestle in the Kalutara District the Mannankethi Ella has a reputation of providing the local farmers with the necessary farming tools for farming purposes, the legend passed down by the near by villages. With a more nature in time waterfall which is hard to reach due to the extremely dangerous slope of mountain, the Mannankethi Ella relatively unmolested even by the villagers as there are no tracking and hiking or even navigating footpaths to the waterfall. The difficulty lies with the people having to Clean and make there own path every time they ventures there thus the high density of bio diversity can be seen. Many native flora and faunas, the butterflies and even many rare animals habitats are hidden there safety from the prying eyes of greed.

Diganna Water Fall

In the suburb of Kaluthara, nestled in the middle of Athwelthota lays another breathtakingly beautiful waterfall away from the prying eyes of humanity. The Waterfall named Diganna Ella, is shrouded in many different folklores and beliefs and rites and rituals of cultures of local community with deeply embedded yet justifiable cautiousness towards the waterfall. The waterfall also named as Mannawatta Ella relating to the mystery that the local population holes in their beliefs. Not having a proper road may be a hindrance to visit this marvelous destination as it also posed a reason to its lower popularity yet at the same time have its beautiful attraction preserved and we’ll developed. Apart from the cascading stream of pure water, the area houses many endemic species including birds, insects, amphibians and even butterflies which are native to Sri Lankan Biosphere. Thus this waterfall area can be referred as a mini sanctuary of suburb of Kaluthara District.

Mohini Water Fall

In the Athwelthota Waterfall Cluster, the Mohini Ella holds a mysterious reputation that ingratiate the fear and cautiousness amongst the local population. With legends and rumors revolving around the inhuman lurking and beliefs, the waterfall named after a mythical character named Mohini. The Mohini Ella and its related areas can not easily dissuaded from this feared reputation hence the locals are reluctant in venturing too much closed to the waterfall. As the relative untouched waterfall, the environment and bio-diversity of the area is thriving exponentially, while making the scenery a picturesque beauty. The bio-diversity is highly dense in the area susceptible to changes with too much explorations. However this waterfall is most enchanting in its mystery and it is not advisable to camping in the area.

Yakun Natana Water Fall

Rural people of Sri Lanka has many beliefs revolving around the myths of nature giving them personality and tales and pass them down as social norms and folklore. Yakun Watuna Ella is one of such destinations, where the mysteries of demons are widespread. There are little ponds located in many places of the waterfall giving it a elegant yet as highly unpopulated that can attractive heavy relatively untouched eco-system having many of endangered and native Flora and fauna.

Raja Marunu Water Fall

Historical Legends are the sources of many tales that involves the Kings who chosen the waterfall areas as their strongholds when hiding or retreating. One of such geographically feasible is the Raja Maruna Ella and already has a folklore of some rulers and enemy armies. Geographically the waterfall structure possess rather deep pond area and most significance is the cave like inside space behind the cascading water vail. As the reaching the destination is relatively hard with its terrains and the nearby forest acting as a protection, the endemic special native to the country have made this waterfall and nearby area as their home turf. This breathtaking natural wander housed in Kaluthara District, on the land named Handigalla. The Flora and fauna of the area brings ambiance of serenity amongst the cascading stream of water.

Athwelthota Water Fall

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Kapurukanda Water Fall

Nature is the best artist and the best engineer with many wonders offering to her children. Among such wonders, the Kapurukanda Ella is one of the unique waterfall with holding the title of tallest waterfall in Kaluthara District. Proudly cascading from the Landscape Estate, Haldola Rd, Baduraliya, the waterfall is on a land of a estate property. Kapurukanda Ella Cascades down in two stages with little ponds in the halfway down the waterfall, giving it a unique attraction, yet at the same time warning the dangers lurking behind. Tamil population of the area made the immediate area of the waterfall as their pilgrimage and rituals area and in the folklore Vidiyabandara had been ruling over this territory as his domain. The 30m tall waterfall is a truly a marvelous gift from the nature with abundance of Flora and fauna spreading on and around surrounding the area and giving visitors a chance to enjoy the destination without molesting the environment too much.

Pahanthuda Water Fall

One of the most active and attractive waterfall in Sri Lanka is Pahanthuda Ella which has a continuous rich source of water. It is rather small waterfall compered with other waterfalls yet hence more water and a relatively a large pond of its own. The name was given due to the shape of waterfall and a way cascades, which looked like a lighten lamp where the small flame is what compered to the water flow due to the rural and hard accessibility and the literal forest reserve near by, the Ruhukanda forest, the accessibility is limited and unpopular with relatively large bio diversity supporting the eco - system. The waterfalls lays in the land of Handugalla.

Thudugala Water Fall

A rock with a sharp edge like a well sharpened pencil's edge, the water cascading down from the upper echelon of the of the rock, the Thudugala Ella has the reputation of attracting tourists. Thus attributing to its existence as the most eye-catching waterfall in Kaluthara. The waterfall comprised with several of floors of waterfall, ponds of small and medium sized, attractive water patterns, the canopy cover of the forest from either sides, easiest accessibility and the higher amount of tourists offerings compared with other similar destinations, as well as one of the longest history of attracting tourists attributes to the rather proud and famous existence of the destination. In the Kaluthara District, the tourism attraction is contributed by the Thudugala Ella by a lot even though the eco-system of area has lesser density than others, is still consider as the marvelous wonder. From the Colonial Era till now , this is one of the first ever tourists destinations even the colonial rulers also acknowledged.

Thotas Water Fall

One of the most beautiful and attractive destination in Kaluthara, nestled in Walallavita, nearing the Benthara region is the Cascade known as the Thotas Ella. Thotas Ella is a tourism paradise that attracts many tourists throughout a year. As its designed as a waterfall and its associated river which houses many boat ports, the Thotas name has given to the waterfall. Since the Colonial era the Thotas Ella is a veritably attractive tourism destination where tourists visit and being relaxing, explore, engaging in water based activities, participation in offerings of the area. It is rumored and somewhat proven true as there are a special of leopards inhabiting the area. And in the records of ancient times the waterfall is used as a hiding place from invaders especially the nearby temple/monastery the Deiyagala Aaranys.

Galdeni Water Fall

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Polgampola Water Fall

Amongst the most unique waterfalls, the Polgampola Ella is one of the most unique waterfalls in Kaluthara. The natural design of the waterfall over the upper part is made like a drain where a non-stop stream of water Cascade down peacefully. Due to this unique shape the tourists attraction of the waterfall in a higher ranking and specially for different types of tourist activities and other water related recreational activities due to its natural ponds on the top of the waterfall and the beneath of the waterfall. This waterfall has located in best geographical deposition to approach many remote destinations. The Flora and fauna of the area is native to Sri Lanka and densely populated when though the inevitable and apparent pollution. The climate of the area directly affects the water flow ; thus without a knowledgeable local guide, venturing there would be non advisable.

Namal Wathura Water Fall

Unlike many other waterfalls in Kaluthara District, the Namal Ella has the water pond on the zenith of the waterfall. The name Namal Ella was given due to the forest canopy protection consisting of National Tree of Sri Lanka – the Na trees. In the Na folder blossoming seasons of the year, the area is drowning in the fragrance of the flowers giving, soothing, comforting and relaxing effect on the atmosphere. With Na trees' natural protection, the forestry landscape, with rural disposition and without any clear way of reaching the destination, the accessibility is rather difficult without harming the eco-system. This has made the waterfall area a sanctuary for bio-diversity housing fish, fauna and Flora which is native to the land. This extremely wonderful paradise resides in Mannawatt at Kalukandawa in Athwelthota.

Mannawaththa Water Fall

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